

Limited definition of Love

                The definition of love that many couples are limited up to indicate or convey the love of their own. Many people may not understand why each pair up with a definition of love is not the same.In some pairs may be defined as a luxury, but some couples have a simple definition. But know Chuck not sure the definition is meant to convey love very well. How you limits love define?
                Everyone has a limited definition of the  'love' in the form of its own. Many couples have a different definition of love some even say that "love is giving without expecting a return," and some even restrict the definition that "Love is sacrifice," etc. But one same thing is. Each element of love are the two people who agree to take the path of love be set up. Whatever how we love. Whether we love to do or even if others are looking at how our love. We all have deep in their own definition.Without someone defined love, we must be as one wants. Because love it happen that two people who create it together in our hearts to each other. Why do we have to dictate other people's love for us? Nobody define love as it how fixed. It is us limited up together.
                 The love do not need a fixed definition. It is to give The love together. To convey the good feeling between us by the heart of us.